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08/06/08 Public Hearing
Minutes of the public hearing of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, August 6, 2008 in the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. Chairman of the Ordinance Committee Fran Pennarola opened the hearing at 6:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Francis Pennarola, Daniel Amaral, John Aurelia, Jan Brookes, Jeffrey Capeci, Gary Davis, Joseph DiCandido, Joseph Hemingway, Patricia Llodra, Christopher Lyddy, Po Murray. ABSENT: William Rodgers. ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Joseph Borst, Chief of Police Michael Kehoe, Director of Public Works Fred Hurley, ten members of public, one member of press.

Mr. Pennarola noted that the purpose of the public hearing is to receive input on the following ordinances:

Traffic Calming Ordinance 295-27
Alarm Systems Ordinance.

Mr. Pennarola opened the hearing on the Alarm Systems Ordinance at 6:32 p.m..

Jim Gaston, 18 Main Street, does not support Section 203-10a, Sanctions, which states that the response of the Police Department may be suspended if someone is late on a fine payment.

There was no further voter participation. Mr. Pennarola closed the hearing at 6:36 p.m.

Mr. Pennarola opened the hearing on the Traffic Calming Ordinance at 6:37 p.m.

Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road,  thanks whoever is responsible for posting the proposed ordinances on the website. She said that in reading the ordinance, it seems that the Police Commission is asking the Legislative Council to appoint a committee to help write this. She said there is no purpose, definition and terms. Also what will happen if someone goes through a neighborhood, moving traffic onto another road. An appeal system is needed. In 1995 the Public Works Department was criticized because the  Selectmen used them for their own purposes, so be careful how you draw on Public works.

Terrence Trow, 10 Pinnacle Drive, said that his son was hit on Queen Street as were two other children. He supports the ordinance and wants to prevent the Town from being sued. He said there is no legal issue here.

Kathy Geckle, 35 Queen Street, read a letter from Michael and Lisa Floros of 32 Queen Street in support of the ordinance. Mrs. Geckle echoes their sentiments.

Jim Gaston, 18 Main Street, said that with speed bumps you may divert traffic from one street to another. He presented “Requested Addition to Section D. of the Traffic Calming Ordinance 295-27” (Attachment A to original minutes).  He suggested doing traffic counts on Elizabeth Street, Wasserman Way and Glover Avenue to see if traffic is being diverted. He feels that there is liability without this ordinance.

Sarah Findley, 9 Lovells Lane, said that her children have to cross Queen Street to take their school bus and that if traffic is diverted to her road, speed bumps would be placed there also.

Amy Mangold, 49 Butterfield Road, is in favor of the ordinance and said that residents of her road would be in favor of speed bumps on Butterfield Road.

Terry Berkey, 8 Butterfield Road, asked what happens to the data that the speed display signs compile.

Bill Brimmer, 8 Hattertown Road, is greatly in favor of this. Hopewell Road has three speed bumps; people have slowed down and instead stay on Poverty Hollow Road, which reduces and evens out the traffic.

Kathy Madzula, The Boulevard, echoes this. When the Boulevard was repaved, traffic and speed increased.

Mary Wasko, 40 Queen Street, said that people speed on Queen Street and this is a big concern.

Bruce Walczak, 12 Glover Avenue, is concerned with the potential of traffic diversion and feels that a statement should be made that this is not the intent of the ordinance but that the intent is to control speeding.

Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, said that we need a process by which to remove the speed bumps.

Kathy Geckle, 35 Queen Street, noted that traffic calming is not only speed bumps.

Chief Kehoe said that the speed display units do not gather data but that we have plans for smaller signs that will gather data. He said that the plan is to have guidelines and procedures put in later. He invites the public to attend Police Commission meetings when guidelines are discussed. Mr. Hurley hopes that if money is to be expended from the Public Works budget for this program, it is first put into the budget.

Mr. Pennarola closed the hearing at 7:10 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk